Food Pantry

The Dieudinon and Suzanne organization is dedicated to helping communities through our food pantry services. We understand the importance of having access to nutritious food and are committed to providing support to those in need. Our food pantry services involve collecting food donations from individuals and organizations and distributing them to communities that require assistance. We work closely with local authorities and other organizations to ensure that we reach as many people as possible. To ensure that those who receive our donations have access to high-quality and nutritious food, we carefully select the donations we collect. Additionally, we work to reduce food waste by distributing excess food to other organizations that can utilize it. In addition to providing food donations, we also provide educational resources to help individuals and families make healthy and nutritious choices. We understand that access to healthy food is just one part of the solution, and we will work to provide resources to help individuals and families make sustainable and healthy choices. Our organization believes that everyone deserves access to healthy and nutritious food, and we will work tirelessly to make this possible. We prioritize the needs of vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly in our food drive services. In summary, Dieudinon and Suzanne organization provides food pantry services to communities in need. We collect high-quality food donations, distribute them to those in need, and provide educational resources to help individuals and families make healthy choices. We are committed to ensuring that everyone has access to nutritious food and will work tirelessly to make this a reality. We also provide food assistance to communities in Haiti suffering from poverty and starvation, specifically in Artibonite and surrounding cities. We conduct this activity monthly and distribute food to the homeless and other individuals in need. Our volunteers and staff distribute the food, and we plan to bring up to 100 volunteers annually. We obtain the food from grocery stores and local individuals in the U.S, and some will be purchased with our organization's funds. This activity is funded through grants, donations, and other sources. We plan to create flyers, posters, and brochures to promote this activity and will place posters at supermarkets, churches, and schools throughout the states. We will also use social media to raise awareness of the event. We anticipate providing food to over a million individuals annually.